Thursday 7 April 2011

The Good Old Days

For those of you who don't know me personally (and even for some of you who do), you may not know that I used to work at a cinema. I loved films before I worked there and growing up, it was my dream to work in a cinema. I dreamt small coz I lived in Preston. Anyone who lives in a town like Preston will understand. You love movies, you dream of working in a cinema rather than dreaming of, oh I don't know, being an actress!

The cinema I worked for was UCI, which was on the docks in Preston. It's still there but it's now an Odeon cinema instead. So I consider cinema cast members (if they still call them that), to be a sort of family. See, I never had a better job. Seriously. I loved it there. I realise that I'm now looking at it through rose tinted spectacles but I really did love it. And the people were awesome. Hence I still think of them, even in cinema's I've not worked at, like they're friends. My kind of people.

So it is with great pleasure that I tell you all of a fundraiser that 'friends' of mine are taking part in at the Odeon in Huddersfield. One of my real friends from the UCI days works there so it's not completely random.

**Team Members of the Odeon Huddersfield are undertaking the ultimate "Fanatical about Film" Challenge: A constant 24 hours of film watching.

Some films will be fun, some films will be an endurance but it is guarenteed that they will be bleary and wide eyed after a whole day of movies.

A pointy stick will be used to keep them awake if you generously sponsor the team on behalf of The Variety Club's Children's Charity and the NSPCC.**

We did one of these when I worked at UCI and I know it sounds easy and fun sitting and watching movies for 24 hours but it's really not. Especially if you're not enjoying the chosen film. You get tired, hungry and very cranky.

So please, go to their fundraising page and donate some cash to help the NSPCC. It's for charideeee! Odeon Huddersfield Film Challenge


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