Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Katy Perry: Part Of Me 3D

It was during the trailers for Snow White And The Huntsman that I saw this movie advertised. I thought it looked cheesy and that I was unlikely to bother with it, but then I remembered who I'd gone to see Snow White And The Huntsman with. My best friend. Who I'd also gone to see Ms Perry in concert with. I looked at her hopeful, cheery face and said "we're going to go see that aren't we?" Yes we were.

Part Of Me is basically a documentary film with Katy's 2011 world tour as the backdrop. You get to see her trying out her costumes, rehearsing and performing live in front of millions. You also see elements of other things that happened to Katy last year. Mainly the dissolving of her marriage to Russell Brand. 

Katy has said quite openly that she didn't want the Russell stuff left out because she didn't want the audience to see the film and wonder why there was no mention of the biggest personal thing to happen to her last year. I think that's fair enough. It's not dramatised, no-one is pegged as the bad guy, they just show in glimpses how it affected her. 

Her professionalism and also the fact that she is a real person with real feelings are what shine through in this film. The break down of Katy and Russell's marriage is heartbreaking to watch. But the fact that she carries on performing all the while just makes Katy seem all the more incredible.

Obviously the marriage is not the focus but it's hard not to talk about it. The early parts of the documentary charting Katy's fight not only to get signed to a label but stay signed is interesting and the concert scenes are well shot. The 3D very much making you feel like you're there. Though thankfully without the addition of annoying, sweaty teenagers that you get when you see her live.

If you're a fan of Katy's I think you'd really enjoy Part Of Me, if not it's probably not for you. 7 out of 10.

Viewing Date - 9th July 2012
UK Release Date - 5th July 2012

Cast Overview:
Katy Perry
Glen Ballard
Shannon Woodward
Russell Brand
Mia Moretti
Adam Marcello
Angelica Baehler-Cob
Johnny Wujek
Bradford Cobb
Tasha Layton

Directors ~ Dan Cutforth, Jane Lipsitz

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